How To know if your cat is Plotting to kill you

I'm sur''e'' everyone knows me of The biggest fail of a troll, Roblox or "Roblex"
Now I will Tell you how to know if your cat is killing you or still plotting it.

Is she/he stepping on your body, Mostly at the chest?

If so your cat is trying to look at your weak parts and your vital parts

Is she/he always hiding at a dark corner? 

If so your cat has joined the Dark Side and is Spying on you, you should not show you are weak

Does she/he always have a staring contest with you?

Dont blink. If you blink it is a sign that you show you are weak, If you are indeed weak and scared then blink you shall 

Bringing you a gift, Ex: dead rats, bugs, etc. 

It isn't a gift, It's a warning that she/he will kill you today/tomorrow

Does she/he throw up glass? 

Throught this painful process, cats prepare their mind and bodies for Combat

Does she/he sleep on your electronics?

 He/she is not sleeping, they are simply disrupting your connection to the outside world 

Does she Paw your face when you sleep? 

Cats arent good at smothering people. But that won't stop them 

Do they run at the speed of light when you go in a room they are in? 

It means It is a failed ambush

Lastly I thank you all for Reading this to be safe, Follow me on Twitter "Kingzeref10" and on Roblox Friend me if you have I wil make another Preparation so be sure to check it out ;) now excuse me my cat is trying to disrupt my connnnnnnnnnnection ierwothreuifgnmiutyjhd